Demo in a Box

This is the CX318 project for group 41: 4-ARM. Our main engineering concept is Robotics, however other concepts are encapsulated within. We hope by sharing the journey in developing this robot, you will develop an appreciation for robotics development in industry. The project can be split into several subsections.


Computer aided design is a useful tool when designing, especially in object design. This is due to the ease of exportation of a model into the real world! The designer followed a bottom-up approach when designing the body. This means that the components were first generated at an individual level.


A microcontroller is an integrated circuit used to govern an operation. We used an MSP-430 as was required by the department. The MSP-430 was used to instruct the arm how to move, based on 4 control signals. The circuit was programmed using the C programming language.

Circuit Design

The arm design initially omitted the need for a self-designed circuit. Following practical tests, it was found that the MSP couldn’t deliver the necessary amount of power for the motors. A H-bridge motor driver circuit was then designed to remedy this problem.

Raspberry Pi

A Raspberry Pi was also enlisted in the project. A Raspberry Pi is a micro-computer that can perform all the functions of a desktop PC whilst being a fraction of the size. The device also has GPIO pins for interacting with electronics projects, making it a valuable component for 4-ARM. The Pi takes the place of what would have been a complex circuit including WI-FI receivers and data modules, allowing the engineers to work faster.

Web Design

An important factor often overlooked in robotics is how to interface with the appliance. The creation of a minimalistic, accessible and attractive interface was important for this project. Using the web platform allowed us to achieve these, as; pages can be optimized for different user groups, most people have phones that can connect to such pages and pages can be heavily customized.


After the project was designed, it then had to be made and assembled. Electronics were attempted first; the PCB was printed, static components soldered and then the correct leads were picked for the remaining connections. Finally, the body was painted and then assembled.

We now invite you to play our game!
